Outdoor Lighting Rates

Schedule of Rates and Charges

Outdoor Lighting Rates (Effective March 1, 2025)
Mercury Vapor*
WattsRated kWhEnergy Charge**Facility ChargeCost Per Month***
High Pressure Sodium
WattsRated kWhEnergy Charge**Facility ChargeCost Per Month***

* Mercury vapor fixtures are not offered for new service.
**Energy Charge: For each lamp size above, 8.188 cents (1) per rated kWh per month
(1) Includes TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost of 3.095¢
***An additional charge of $2.50 per pole will be made where one or more poles are required for the sole purpose of installing the outdoor light or lights.

Rates vs. TVA Total Monthly Fuel Cost

Each month TVA will update the Total Monthly Fuel Cost.  Therefore, electric rates may increase or decrease based on the amount TVA pays for fuel and purchased power. CUB rates are approved by the Board of Directors.  These rates reflect a pass-through  of TVA’s Total Monthly Fuel Cost.